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NCHammer23 is YouTuber who has gained a following for his engaging content of anime comentary and theories. With over 400'000 subscribers and more daily, his channel offers videos about all the most popular anime such as Naruto, One Piece, Attack on Titan and more.



His most popular videos are related to Naruto content and due to his interest in various other massively popular anime his Naruto content was joined with theory and explanation videos about various other anime. Creation of anime related videos spread to creation of other anime related Youtube channels such asThe Weeb Commander for theories less related to Naruto,Hammer's Collection for anime collectibles and figures, and participation in Otakus anonymous podcast about relevant anime news.

As for artistic side, his videos are filmed in format to create a feeling as of friend is explaining You some anime related ideas in a video call from sitting at his PC, which makes it relatable and more inclusive than for example more professional studio setups might.

A lot of ideas and theories come from the channel fanbase and creates a nice cooperation loop and fun coworking inside channel.

See his content on YouTube: NCHammer23


NCHammer23 ir YouTube lietotājs, kurš ir ieguvis sekotāju skaitu par viņa saistošo anime komentāru un teoriju saturu. Viņa kanālam katru dienu ir vairāk nekā 400'000 abonentu un vairāk piedāvā video par visām populārākajām anime, piemēram, Naruto, One Piece, Attack on Titan un citas.

Viņa populārākie videoklipi ir saistīti ar Naruto saturu un viņa dēļ interese par dažādām citām ļoti populārām anime, kurai tika pievienots viņa Naruto saturs teorijas un skaidrojumu video par dažādām citām anime.

Kas attiecas uz māksliniecisko pusi, viņa videoklipi ir filmēti tādā formātā, lai radītu sajūtu, ka draugs jums izskaidro kādu ar anime saistītu idejas videozvanā, sēžot pie datora, kas padara to salīdzināmu un iekļaujošāku nekā, piemēram, profesionālāku studiju uzstādījumi varētu.

Daudz ideju un teoriju nāk no kanāla fanu bāzes, un tas rada jauku sadarbības cilpu un jautru kopstrādni kanālā.

Skatiet viņa saturu pakalpojumā YouTube: NCHammer23

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